New Amlogic USB Burning Tool v2.1.6 tool released

We updated Amlogic‘s essential flashing tool to its latest version with USB Burning Tool v2.1.6 with which we can update our TV-Box with AMlogic’s SoC or recover them if we have them bricked A new version that is highly recommended to have it on hand and you never know when we will have to use it.

Amlogic burning

Download and installation

List of changes

1. Improve the number of bytes read at a time
2. Improve the processing of Secureboot

1. Support chip 905D2 new process
2. Increase the DDR Size in the Platform.conf configuration and determine the size of the downloaded data according to the size, compatible with the old chip.

1. Change the MAC display problem when burning, and increase the support for BT, Wifi display

1. Removed the underlying multi-usb_reap_async_nocancel try read, multiple asynchronous read process initiated
2. Update the library
3. The language of the version is saved, and the default tool version is selected according to the user’s default installation language

Increase the bottom layer read reads when writing a partition
2. Resolve bugs that show success after some commands fail

1.Key optimization version, burning tool and KeysProvider linkage modification, increase the reporting mechanism of burning Key results, reduce the rollback interface
2. The tool does not save the key independently, and the number of keys is managed by the KeysProvider.
3. Update KeysProvider.dll, add configuration file, user can specify Key path, configurable Key type, convenient to increase support for custom Key
4 tools can be individually configured to overwrite each key
5. Optional image verification configuration, setting whether to check the import image

1 increase the new process of GXL platform, compatible with the old process
2 increase BurnCfgUI.ini used to control the programming of the UI
3. Increase Uboot stage crypto chip judgment
4. Update KeysProvider.dll
5. Update the language library

1 support encryption dtb burning

1.keysprovider.dll update
2 increase Font.ini used to adjust the font of the grid

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