Qualcomm has just presented its main asset for the products of extended reality, the SoC Snapdragon XR1. It is a Chip oriented to an emerging platform that combines augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) and that according to Qualcomm will be one of the pillars of future computing. Judging by the specifications of this chip it seems that Qualcomm is strongly committed to this platform since its capabilities are not anything modest and includes options to play 4K video at 60fps, head tracking, which allows us to reproduce the movements of the head in the environment of XR, voice recognition as well as support for different IA and VR frameworks.
Snapdragon XR1 has in its engine Qualcomm technology with a GPU Adreno and Cpu’s Kyro high performance, although we do not know the number of cores and concrete types. It also integrates a Qualcomm unit for AI process, an ISP Spectra for the improvement of video and photography and a Hexagon DSP designed to facilitate numerical operations at very high speed in real time.
- Snapdragon XR1 will hit the market this year and we will see it equipping Oculus high-end devices that are preparing brands like HTC.