Since a few weeks Xiaomi has blocked the update of the Xiaomi Mi Box International to the Android TV 8 Oreo system, just yesterday a new OTA arrived for the users who already had this version installed that seems to correct the most important errors. If you are in Android 6 and do not want to wait for the official version we leave you here a manual to update manually to Android Oreo and then receive the last OTA with the patches that Xiaomi has published.
!!! ATTENTION: YOU CAN ALREADY UPDATE BY OTA !!! Only check for updates in settings menu
- You can buy the Xiaomi Mi Box International in our publication dedicated to finding it at the best price
Update Xiaomi Mi Box International to Oreo manually from Android 6
- Download this file with the Android TV 8 Oreo 2179 update
- Inside we have two files Xiaomi_update and
- Copy both to the root of a USB drive formatted in FAT32.
- Completely disconnect the Xiaomi Mi Box Int.
- Connect the USB to the rear port.
- On the remote control, press OK and the BACK button.
- Without letting go of the buttons, we plug the Xiaomi Mi Box Int into the power line.
- Automatically the system starts the update process (release buttons), after several automatic restarts the process ends.
- If we have any error use another USB and repeat the process.
OTA Android TV Oreo 2396 Update
Once we have installed the Android TV 8 Oreo 2179 update after rebooting we will have a message to update via OTA to version 2396 that fixes a lot of failures, presumably this version will be the official final version that will release soon for those who are in Android 6 and do not want to update manually.
tem algum modo de instalar esta atualizaçao pelo pc? minha mibox nao sai do modo inicial…