Xiaomi Mi Box and Xiaomi Mi Box S how to recover it from a Brick

Today we present a small guide to recover from a Brick or similar the Xiaomi Mi Box or Mi Box S. This procedure can make a unBrick if our device is damaged or with serious errors in the boot system.

  • These procedures are with a last resort, AndroidPCtv.com is not responsible for the results.
  • If it does not work for you, we recommend use your store’s warranty.

Xiaomi Mi Box


In this case we do not need any type of tool to revive our Xiaomi Mi Box or Mi Box S, just follow a few simple steps, remember that this procedure is exclusively for the exact version of your Xiaomi Mi Box, read the full post before doing anything.

  1. Android for Mi Box 3 (MDZ-16-AA Chinese) download updates from HERE
  2. Android TV 6/7/8 for Mi Box 3 (MDZ-16-AB International) download update from HERE, HERE, HERE or HERE
  3. Android TV 9 for Mi Box S (MDZ-22-AB) download update the Firmware Version Beta 3
  4. Download the Password.bin file the software may ask for it. Load from flash tool.
  5. !!! NEVER DO DOWNGRADE ANDROID VERSIONS !!! Using this method
  6. Rename the firmware “.zip” that we download to update.zip and copy it to a USB flash drive formatted as FAT32.
  7. OPTIONAL if the updates is not detected:
    With a text editor we create a TXT file without extension called xiaomi_update with the following line of text:
  8. Copy it to the pendrive where we have the firmware and insert it into the USB port of the Mi Box.
  9. We will enter the recovery mode of Xiaomi Mi Box, for this we disconnect it from the mains, then we take out the battery from the remote control and reinsert it while holding the BACK and OK buttons on the remote control very close to the TV -Box. With the two buttons pressed we connect the Mi Box to the power grid.
    mi box recovery n01
  10. When you see the Android doll on the screen, we release the 2 buttons of the remote control and wait without touching anything 5-10 minutes until the system is rebooted with the system recovered.


This method downgrades and completely restores the Xiaomi Mi Box 3 (MDZ-16-AA) or Mi Box S (MDZ-22-AB), to carry out the process you have to open the TV-Box, so the responsibility and loss warranty is up to you. This is the only system to revive this hardware from a total brick.


Open Xiaomi Mi Box S (MDZ-22-AB), locate bridge and flash

  • Download the Recovery firmware for Xiaomi Mi Box S (MDZ-22-AB) – Downgrade Android TV 8.1
  • Download the Password.bin file the software may ask for it.
    AMLogic USB Burning Tool v3.1.6 load file: Setting > InputPassword > File.
    AMLogic USB Burning Tool v2.2.4 load file: View > InputPassword > File.
  • Disassemble the plastic casing by prying in the perimeter.
  • Disassemble the metal cover on the base plate by prying in the perimeter.
  • The bridge to enter flash mode is made between the orange dot on the board and the metal frame, use a clip o metal wire.
  • Follow the steps in the manual Update for Amlogic Box with method 1-B with .IMG file, use tool 2.0.9
  • Mark the checkbox:
  • DO NOT check the Checkbox:
    – ERASE BOOTLOADER (or we will delete DRM certificates)
  • Load .IMG file and press START.
  • Do the bridge connection with a clip or metal wire, isolate your fingers with plastic if is possible.
  • Keep the bridge between the two points and connect the Mi Box to our PC with the USB cable (this power up the box), sometimes you need to connect the DC adapter too at the same time.
  • A chime will sound and the device will be detected, you can now disconnect the bridge.
  • The flash will start and we will wait until it finishes at 100%.

Xiaomi Mi Box S MDZ 22 AB recover n05

Open Xiaomi Mi Box 3 (MDZ-16-AA), locate bridge and flash

  • Download the Recovery firmware for Xiaomi Mi Box 3 (MDZ-16-AA) – Chinese Android
  • Download the Password.bin file the software may ask for it.
    AMLogic USB Burning Tool v3.1.6 load file: Setting > InputPassword > File.
    AMLogic USB Burning Tool v2.2.4 load file: View > InputPassword > File.
  • Disassemble the plastic casing by prying in the perimeter.
  • The bridge to enter flash mode is made between the two points next to the metal protection.
  • Follow the steps in the manual Update for Amlogic Box with method 1-B with .IMG file, use tool 2.0.9
  • Mark the checkbox:
  • DO NOT check the Checkbox:
    – ERASE BOOTLOADER (or we will delete DRM certificates)
  • Load .IMG file and press START.
  • Do the bridge connection with a clip or metal wire, isolate your fingers with plastic if is possible.
  • Keep the bridge between the two points and connect the Mi Box to our PC with the USB cable (this power up the box), sometimes you need to connect the DC adapter too at the same time.
  • A chime will sound and the device will be detected, you can now disconnect the bridge.
  • The flash will start and we will wait until it finishes at 100%.

Xiaomi Mi Box 3 MDZ 16 AA recover n03 min

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taha malik

my mi box mdz-22-ab flashing white light and restart on logo continue restarting i try to flash with amlogic burining tool but still error on 1% rom code error kindly any tech master guide me please

Jamilli Nascimento

Olha alguém poderia me ajudar meu tv box mi Box S seu bug não tá carregando nada, acho que corrompeu o Android, ela não inicia , já tentei fazer o processo pelo computador mais não deu certo devido não conectar nele, acho que deve ser porque não tá ativado o modo desenvolvedor, aí gostaria de ajudar se alguém sabe como instalar o Android novamente pelo pen drive ou de outra forma já que pelo computador não estar dando porque não conecta o USB não tá reconhecendo de jeito nenhum


how can i do with xiomi box tv S 2 gen plz

Michal MisiekBest Pawlikowski

Mi Box S, damaged during the update in 02.2024, I’m not sure what was the reason, but after restarting it got stuck in an infinite boot loop without the possibility of entering the recovery menu. The above firmware restoration instruction to Android 8 with pin shorting worked 100%, here are a few tips from me for others: 1. Make sure to download the USB Tool in the mentioned versions above, neither earlier nor later. I couldn’t find version 3.1.6 on the websites. Version 2.2.4 worked, but I tried other versions (newer, older) and it was a waste of time. 2.… Read more »


Hi everyone, Hi Kim, Congratulations on the excellent tutorial you presented. The same thing happened to me during an update… the Box kept looping at startup. I did everything as you suggested and I had some difficulties like some of the comments sent here. I was unable to turn on the WI-FI and without a command. How I successfully solved it: I used a USB 2.0 To Ethernet Adapter, 3 Port USB Ethernet Hub With RJ45 and a remote keyboard. This direct connection to the internet made it possible to update the flashed image. With this update I recovered the… Read more »


You are welcome!!!


hello unbrick my mi box s 4k after remote pairing not working please help me

sami farah

hi ihad this problem 0x32030201 UBOOT/get return/diskinitial command error


use a different version of the USB Burning Tool. In my case it was v2.0.8.


Hi I had this problem first I downgraded to r363 using the Amlogic USB burning tool 2.2.4 open the box and bridge flash it … than I went to recovery mode using the remote to enter recovery I used a fat32 usb drive and placed r699 update as zip file to update the box and finally I did OTA update from system update

Eduardo Ferrari

Hi everyone, I need to do this with my Mi Stick TV, there is a tutorial? Thanks in advance!

Hi. Mi Stick TV don’t have this method.
You can enter to the restore menu pressing OK+back in the boot process, you can try a wide data.


My controller dosent work, i try everything and nothing some one can help me?
I UPDATE after and dont sinc, i know that my controller wirk because i can enter the boot menu, but after the device boot, it stops work.


Connect a USB mouse.


Thank you for this. This realy save my box!

In addition to this procedure:
After the flash it was impossible to pair the remote or connect a wifi.
So I have connected trough a USB hub a Keyboard and a USB RJ45 dongle.
After completing the first step, I was able to update my mi box s.
After the update wifi was available and functionnal. a
When I have disconnected my keyboard a pop up show up and I can pair my remote.


Thanks for the tips.


This! Totally saved my box. Had as good as given up on it. Flashed the recovery firmware, but wifi and remote not working. Read this hint, bought a cheap usb ethernet adapter, and Voila! OTA update fixed everything! Thank you for the hint 👍


hi i have [0x10105002]Romcode/Initialize DDR/Read initialize status/USB Control setup error mi box s please help


Try again with another cable.


netflix not working
error code ui-800-3 (307006)
What is the solution for this error?


Hello. Where can i find password.bin file for mi box s?


Download link for password.bin added.


my remote control does not work and i have plug in the keyboard and it work, but for the Ethernet it seem does not work and i cannot perform a ota update.


Were you able to pair the remote? I’m dealing with the same problem and can’t get through the set up.


my 2 cents.

I was also unable to pair the remote. so I have connected a normal keyboard and USB RJ45 after that the device allow me to update. After the update I disconnected my keyboard a pop-up shows up and I was able to pair my remote.


having a error: [0x10103003]Romcode/Initialize DDR/Download buffer/USB transfer error


Use a USB 2.0 port or a hub.


many thanks for a terrific guide, additionally find some tips, based on my experiences. Its for mdz 22 ab.

I used amlogic usb burning tool version 2.2.0(other versions didn’t work for me and I received dofferent errors), the other thing to do before the update is to add password.bin file of xiaomi.

after the update remote and wifi didn’t work that’s why I connected the box with usb ethernet adaptor to the web and used usb keyboard to brows OTA update from the menu, which updated box succesfully and now it is working.


Hi there! I’ve posted a few words about unbricking the box after unsuccessful update to 3933 (or other) on XDA. Also, there is the password.bin file needed for recovery.
As far as I can tell, xiaomi encrypted the emmc on one of the latest updates, that’s why we can’t recover with ease.

Vijay C

Hi I am getting below error for MDZ -22-AB

[0x10103003]Romcode/Initialize DDR/Download buffer/USB transfer error

Kindly help resolve

Vijay C


you need to have password.bin file to continue. Unfortunattely i dont have such too and cant find it anywhere so …my box is bricked.
AML burn tool for linux error message: “The board is locked with a password, please provide a password using –password option !”
AML Burn tool windows: [0x10103003]Romcode/Initialize DDR/Download buffer/USB transfer error.
password.bin Files are used with encrypted devices to sucsesfully flash, without this file you will get the error: Error 0x10103003 romcode/initialize ddr/download buffer/usb transfer error load password.bin file into the tool (View > InPut Password) before flashing.

END of story 🙂 shi..y xiaomi


just want to join the club! hopefully there is some way to get it unbricked again. iÄ’m so pissed. just wannted to update my legally bought stuff with legal update and now i’m having a bricked box and no possibility to unbrick. wondering how users can unbrick their boxes without the need of passwords.

Premjo Elias

I had the same issue and resolved with password.bin file.


Terrific guide. Thanks a lot. Unfortunately I am struggling with the following: MDZ-16-AA, v1.4.32 stock Android 5.1.1 Goal: upgrade to latest android with international google TV I tried every single tutorial on the internet but I cannot get to root this device (tried KingRoot.apk + KingoRoot via ADB both fail, KingRoot rejects right away, Kingo stuck at 36% “verifying root”) I failed downgrading to 1.3: update.zip and xiaomi_update on a fat32 device (tried 3 different, freshly formatted, I tried xiaomi_update with a single line, 2 lines, with – and — with and without wipe flag. I cannot get it to… Read more »


Hi. You need to use the full recovery method opening the box.


I was hoping to avoid this. Could you guide me which version i have to flash and how to get from there to the latest android + apple tv? I only have recovery roms with google tv v1.


I have a Xiaomi Mi Box S (MDZ-22-AB) but after receive OTA update it frozen with black screen
I couldn’t enter in recovery mode (remote control BACK + OK)
Finally using Amlogic USB Burning Tool v2.2.4 and Xiaomi_Mi_Box_S_MDZ-22-AB_r363_AndroidPC imagen it works again but WIFI and BLUETOOTH no work anymore
Connecting Keyboard & USB-Ethernet it receive again Android system update 651.8 MB but failed again
I don’t know how proceed
Can you help me ?

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