Qualcomm has just presented an updated version of its latest high-end Snapdragon 855 SoC in the middle of the technological season. The new Snapdragon 855 Plus, as its name suggests, is not a generational leap, but an update that is surely motivated by the gradual refinement of the 7nm manufacturing in the TSMC factories that has allowed the slight increase in frequencies. A new version that is sold for the gaming sector but has more marketing than anything else given its improvements.
The improvements are only focused on the increase of frequencies and in a very limited way since it only reaches 15% of the previous model. The cores Kyro Gold 485 that we have in the Snapdragon 855 Plus goes from 2.84Ghz to 2.96Ghz and in the graphic section its Adreno 640 GPU goes from 585Mhz to 672Mhz.
These differences in clock speeds we doubt will be noticeable in the actual use of this SoC and that, as we say, are more marketing things than anything else. What this new SoC can tell us is that the future Snapdragon 865 still has more development time than expected to reach production and this new release has been used to cover that extra time.