Xiaomi Mi Box S updated with automatic refresh rate support

The Xiaomi Mi Box S model has started to updated with a new version of the system that adds the automatic refresh rate option. With this new option we avoid the annoying judder effect that makes frame jumps in travelings when the screen refresh does not coincide with the framerate of the movie.

xiaomi mi box remote d01

The OTA update with build number OPM1.171019.011.588 is currently being distributed and may not yet appear on all devices. To make sure that the system checks the available updates we recommend keep the power button pressed and restarting the TV-Box. After reboot check the Settings> System information> Update option we can see the date and time of checking the system version.

The automatic refresh rate works now perfectly in all the values ​​of habitual frames rates that are in the multimedia contents such as 23.976, 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 50, 59.94 and 60 fps. The system works well in KODI, for example, when activating the frame rate refresh system automatically.


  • Automatic refresh mode activated
  • Wi-Fi signal improvements
  • Improvements in awakening mode
  • Correcting artifacts on Netflix
  • Bluetooth fix connectivity with the remote

xiaomi mi box s review dt015 min

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Wong Kok

But it is not true 4k when switched on. TV remains under 1080p,


Android UI render and Video render are different things.
Video render is native up to 4K.

Budi Prasetyo

I just ota for this update. But why i can connect only with xiaomi RC remote? I can not paired other remote to mibox.


What is the other remote?


can we download the firmware and update it manually? because my mi box s wont update it and i dont know why!


No, only with OTA.
Wait and try again.

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