New batch of discount codes to apply on our favorite AliExpress products arriving with the Winter Promo.
Some discount codes active in this promotion until January 8 at 9 am and where, as happens lately, each code can only be used once per user and applies to ALL orders shipped to US. We will also have active direct discounts of -$3 for every $20 of purchase, with a maximum discount of $12, so we can get an interesting extra savings on selected items.
Coupons valid between January 8th till 13rd
- $5 OFF for $49 MINIMUM PURCHASE with the code: AEUS05
- $10 OFF for $89 MINIMUM PURCHASE with the code: AEUS10
- $20 OFF for $159 MINIMUM PURCHASE with code: AEUS20
- $40 OFF for $259 MINIMUM PURCHASE with code: AEUS40
- $50 OFF for $369 MINIMUM PURCHASE with code: AEUS50