• Download the Firmware / ROM for MINIX NEO U22-XJ with SoC Amlogic S922X-J v003FW
  • We recommend using method 1-A of the manual with SD card.
  • If we want to update from PC with method 1-B take into account:
    – Use the included USB Type-C cable and a USB 2.0 port on our PC if possible.
    – In the MCU settings menu, autostart mode must be DEACTIVATED. If we don’t, it will give us an error.
    – Use Amlogic Burning Tool version 2.2.0 or higher, available in the manual.
  • Update the firmware following our Amlogic Update Guide


1. VPN now works with Ethernet
2. Added root switch
3. CPU performance boost
4. ES File Explorer removed, X-Plore added [requires factory reset after installing the firmware update] 5. Four rotate screen options (0, 90, 180, 270)
6. Fixed several D-Pad issues
7. Fixed several on-screen keyboard issues
8. Changed Launcher3 background
9. Redesigned F.O.T.A app
10. Updated Google app

Known Bugs

We are aware of the following important issues and actively working to resolve them ASAP:

1. Automatic Refresh Rate Switch is missing
2. Certain formats not working correctly via HD audio pass-through