Now you have ready to download and install a new firmware based on Android 9.0 valid for the TV-Box A5X MAX and ONLY for the A5X MAX.p.01.d4 version. This Box is powered with the Rockchip RK3328 SoC, that has four ARM Cortex-A53 processors and a Mali-450mp2 GPU that includes native video decoding H. 265 and VP9 up to 4K @ 60fps with support for HLG HDR. We also found 4 GB of RAM and 16 GB of eMMc storage memory.
- Buy the A5X MAX TV Box in and for only $45 with free shipping.
Update Process
- Download the Firmware / ROM A5X MAX for the A5X MAX.p.01.d4 version (11-28-2018)
- To install the firmware follow our Rockchip SoC Upgrade Guide
- Not available
When I donwload the img file and zip it like the instruction says the box still says it’s an invalid upgrade package. How do I create the upgrade package to use for the file upgrade instructions from the img file?
Use the IMG and the PC method.
I only have USB-A on the box and no USB-A – USB-A cable for it. Got any idea on a good one that you know works?
You can buy one like this:
Or DIY if with two old cables. Connections are:
1 to 1
2 to 2
3 to 3
4 to 4
It says on all instructions to push the reset-button but I can’t find one. Where is it on A5Xmax.o.8822.s4?
Inside the audio jack?
Maybe don’t have, a95x devices have difernet versions.
So I have to open the box up and look at the board itself for a reset button? On the outside I have looked everywhere and there are no buttons there or holes there could be a button in. The box is a A5Xmax.o.8822.d4.
I have googled for any info about this but can’t find any info at all about it.
Hi. If you can’t found inside the audio jack, yes you need to open it. Is a low cost box.
If you don’t have reset button maybe you can found something like this, check the motherboard photo:
Hi again.. I opened the box and took a few photos but I don’t find anyhting like what you showed on the last link. Check the pics out here.
If you see anything I can use tell me.
Hi. You have the reset inside the audio jack, don’t need to open the box… as i say you the first time XD
Look here:
Just insert a metal clip or something and press the button.
So how do I reset the box inside the audio-jack? Do not understand.
Follow the flash guide, you need to keep press this button when turn on the box.
But tell me how I can press that button when I don’t open the box. I still don’t understand that. And if I don’t have to open the box. Tell me how it’s possible to push the button.
Insert a toothpick in this jack and press the button, follow the arrow.
Look here:
Hi. ok I got that now and it flashed but failed. It seems the 9.0 img was not for my box. I then flashed the 8.1 img instead, it didn’t fail but the box wount start. The only thing that happens after the flash and reboot is “Erasing” and then it goes back to sleep (red light) and never comes back blue again. Nothing on screen either. I really want this box to work again as it was the best of the ones I have. Any idea on how to find the correct img-file for the box and get it… Read more »
Ask to your shop for the correct firmware, share the link to help others.
If the product don’t work open a dispute and don’t waste more time in this low-cost box.
I bought this box in Bangkok during vacation and it worked fine so far. There should be some kind of firmware update for it though.
Good luck!
I use the MX10 Firmware (9.0) it’s more stable than original.
ıyı gunler.a5x max cıhazımda test yazılımı 8.1 var .cok kotu.orjınal yazılımı atabılırmısınız.tskler
Can you share the link please? Most of the link shared are expired or the file doesnot exist.
Alguém sabe se pode instalar o Android TV na A5x? Launcher igual da Mi Box
Hi, I’m looking for the source code for the A5X Max. Anybody?
I Wan Firmware Android 8.1 A5XMAX.o.8822.d4 version.
it can be installed on A5X MAX.o.12.d4 4-64 ???
I have android 8.1 on A5X MAX.o.01.d4 4/32 version.
Everything works well, but after auto update google store to 13.xxxxx store not works.
Iyi günler. Yeni yazılımı yüklerken bir hata yaptım maçına a5x max komple kapandı. Bir arkadaşın yardımı ile 8.1 test yazılımı yükledik. Fakat çok kötü bir performans gösteriyor. Her tv yi acısımda kendini yeniden başlatıyor. Maosu görmüyor. Yanı sıkıntılı. Elinizde varsa bana gönderebilirmisiniz. Şimdiden çok teşekkür ederim.
Can i mount android 9 on A5X MAX.o.01.d4 version?
Thank’s a lot
Maybe, the firmware don’t have indications.
IF now works, don’t touch it, my advice.
DId you try it with A5X MAX.o.01.d4 ? i would like to but don’t sure it works … ?
I tryed but it didn’ work, i had a bricked Box 🙁 and had to open it to circuit pins and restore Android 8.1 … bad…