You can download today a new official final version of Kodi Leia v18.6 available for install in Windows or Android device. A version that updates the previous official version 18.5. Since version 18 we have substantial changes in its internal code and makes for example that compatible skins for this latest release are only a few, since they need to be updated in each version.
- Download installer Kodi v18.6 for Windows 64bit, for all current PC’s.
- Download installer Kodi v18.6 for Windows 32bit, for very old hardware.
- Download apk Kodi v18.6 for Android 32bit ARM V7A, compatible with all TV-Boxes
- Download apk Kodi v18.6 for Android 64bit ARM V8A, only compatible with NVidia Shield TV, Realtek and some Rockchip SoC’s.
- No available yet.