How to improve dark scenes in video playback on a Android TV-Box

Thanks to the collaboration of one of our faithful readers, we can share with you an application that allows us to improve the image quality in video playback on ours Android TV-Box. In some models the Android settings by default has a very high level of darkness and if we do not have image controls from the Android Settings we can not change it but with a new app we can adjust in detail the quality of output image very easily . According to the experience of our user this method works well in Amlogic chips but this can works for any other SoC.

dark scenes

Screen Brightness Tool

To adjust the image values on the screen we will use the Screen Brightness Tool app that we can download from Google Play, we just have to install it and run it normally. Within the menus we have several options to adjust in brightness level (for mobile or tablets with screen), the level of black, red, green and blue.

Screen Brightness Tool n01

Adjustments to improve the darkness in Videos

Each TV-Box is a world and the level of darkness in video playback can be different, here we can see the settings that have served our reader but we can modify them as we want in our case. You just have to do tests and if the videos look very dark, go up the black level until you get the correct point without any pixellation.

  • Red, green and blue, at the maximum level = 255
  • Black level = 6.5%

In order for the app to work, you have to turn on every time you boot theTV-Box, but with some automation app, you can activate it when you boot if you program a routine, for example, with Droid Automation. I hope it is useful for all, leave your comments and experiences with this app.

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Where is the app?


Updated with alternative.

Can Ozyman

Keep in mind that this Device does not support or work with KODI!!!
KODI(all versions)you can install it BUT If you “power-off” device than all your
Kodi Addons and your personal settings deleted!!!
I’v this Box and do not recommended ever! Dont buy this device
No OTA and Not Rooted!


What device?

Can Ozy

MagicSEE N6 (RK3399)

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