We explain how to make a KODI Backup for yours add-ons and configuration and restore it. A Backup that also serves to downgrade the version of KODI.
Thanks to this addon we can save KODI downgrade if the new version gives us problems or replicate our configuration on other devices. A very useful tool that we must always keep in mind.
- WARNING: This system is not perfect and may cause us to lose some configuration or settings, we must take this into account before performing the operation.
To create a backup copy of our KODI files we need to install the Backup add-on from the official repository. Follow the steps below to do it easily.
Install the Backup add-on
- From the main KODI menu go to Add-ons and click on Install from directory.
- Go to the Add-ons programs section.
- Access the Backup
- Click on Install and wait for it to finish installing.
With this process we can generate a backup of our KODI configuration in a folder that we designate.
Create KODI Backup
- We need to have the Backup addon installed as explained in the first point of this Guide.
- After installing it we go to the main KODI menu > Add-ons and click on Backup
- Go to the Open Settings menu
- Go to the Remote dir and click on Browse remote path
- In the menu that opens we enter External Storage (in Windows the one you want)
- Enter the Download folder and click OK (It is the one that gives fewer problems of permissions on Android)
- The remote path directory menu has to be as in the picture
- In that same window we enter at the time in the File selection menu and activate Addon Data, click OK
- The Backup addon will close, we reopen the Backup addon.
- Click on Backup.
- It will begin the copy of files in our device.
- Inside the Donwload folder now we will have a folder with number (date+hour) with the backup.
- We can copy this folder and take it to another installation, or use it to downgrade KODI.
By following these steps we can recover the backup of the KODI configuration that we have previously generated.
Restore KODI Backup
- If we have installed KODI on a new device, and we want to put it in other language again:
KODI menu > Settings (wheel icon) > Interface > Regional > Language > Select - Reinstall the Backup addon as explained in the first point of this guide
- Once installed, from the main menu of KODI we go to Add-ons and click on Backup
- Go to the Open Settings menu
- Go to the Remote Dir and click on Browse remote path
- In the menu that opens we enter in External Storage (in Windows the one we want)
- Enter the Download folder
- Inside we will see the Backup folder, but NOT ENTER IN IT, click on OK
- The Remote Dir menu should be as in this image and click OK
- The Backup addon will close, we reopen the Backup addon.
- Click on Restore
- Select the backup to restore from the list.
- If it asks us to restore Advanced Options we answer = YES
- If it also asks for an Unfinished Restore click Continue = YES
- Inside the copy we select in green all the sections and click OK.
- It will start to restore the selected backup files, we will have to wait.
- Once restored we can use KODI directly but we recommend to reboot.
- How to install Kodi Add-ons
- Connect an Android device with your PC through SAMBA
- SAMBA on Android, connection with Windows and alternatives
- How to configure KODI with a SAMBA network in a simple way
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