Qualcomm Snapdragon 700 Mobile Platform a new family of chips for the medium-high range

We continue with more news from the MWC where Qualcomm has presented its new family of SoC’s Snapdragon 700 series, this chips that due to their numbering would be aimed at the upper middle range and that would cover the substantial jump that there is in many aspects between the Snapdragon 660 and the modern Snapdragon 845. This new family would bring to the mid-range certain advances until now exclusive of the high-end Qualcomm without compromising too much the final price. It is assumed that the first units of these new SoC reached the manufacturers during this first half of the year although the first smartphones will surely arrive at stores after the summer, surely Xiaomi already has something planned with these SoC.

qualcomm snapdragon 700 mwc 2018 d01

This new platform would substantially improve, up to 30%, its energy efficiency with respect to the Snapdragon 660 something that makes us suspect the adoption of the 10nm manufacturing process for this new family. It would also include important improvements in the Artificial Intelligence and learning engine of Qualcomm that would double the results achieved by the Snapdragon 660, the improvements will also arrive at the level of cameras at the ISP level and image processing, compatibility with the loading protocol is adopted Quick Qualcomm Quick Charge 4+ and also improvements in LTE connectivity, WiFi, as well as the adoption of the Bluetooth 5 standard are added.

Qualcomm Snapdragon 700

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